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Coach Chas_edited

My Story

My Story

Founder of FrameShaping LLC Leadership & Life Enhancement Coaching.


Chas joined the United States Air Force at the age of 18 after a childhood that was filled with what he says was only “survival mode”. He has traveled the world which he acknowledges is why he is who he is. Living in various countries and experiencing many different cultures has taught him that life is not only the things we experience as children but things WE create for ourselves. He has been married to his wife Bianca since 1996 and has one daughter as well as three grandchildren.


In 2014 Chas retired from the Air Force and decided to settle in Florida. After a rough transition with life changing challenges that led him to attempting suicide, he found himself sitting in a chair across from numerous mental illness professionals. He quickly realized that even though they were the clinical specialist, he had to do the work to recover.


Since 2016 he has been specializing in Inter-Personal and Self-Directed Violence Prevention for the Department of Defense and the local community. Chas holds several certifications and designations which ultimately encouraged him to take his passion for helping others to a larger audience.


He understands that coaching is the art of creating space for another human to become a better version of themselves. He wants to help you unlock your true potential and reach your desired goals.


Learn how to become the limitless version of yourself with Coach Chas and begin building personal strengths to achieve your goals and live the life you deserve.

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